




近年來,我們拉長了與 COVID-19 共處的戰線,有人稱接下來將是後疫情時代(Post-Pandemic Era),我們也即將迎接新常態(New Normal),將疫情帶來的所有變化,內化成日常。而除了疫情驅動的時代遽變,世界各地的人權運動風起雲湧,社會秩序如同疫情所致的波動一般,也有了截然不同的面貌。


在美國佛洛伊德事件以及後續所激起的漣漪,種族的裂痕顯影在大眾眼前,種族的鴻溝與警察的權威,加深了社會的碎裂,當人們高舉著「#BlackLivesMatter(1)」的同時,亞裔仍然被「Kung Flu(2)」,這個令人渾身反感的戲稱,纏繞不去,種族歧視,仍然恣意滲透,而亞裔,亦不願意再當作沉默的模範少數(model minority),大聲疾呼他們身而為人的權利。






(2)Kung Flu,延伸自「功夫 Kung Fu」,在新冠肺炎爆發期間,則被認為帶有亞裔種族歧視的指涉。



(一)「人權的基本概念」:強調學習者能夠對於與生俱來、普遍且不容剝奪的人權(Human Rights),有所認識。











What are Human Rights?

Human rights are the freedoms and protections that belong to each one of us. They are based on principles of dignity, equality and mutual respect, and they belong to everyone – regardless of age, nationality, gender, race, beliefs, sexual orientation and gender identity, or any other status.

Human rights are about being treated and treating others fairly. They are about having the ability to make choices about one’s own life. Human rights contain three characteristics:

  • They belong to all of us, everybody in the world, wherever or whoever we are.
  • They cannot be taken away, bought, traded or sold.
  • They are all of equal importance and are interrelated: the advancement of one human right helps the progress of other rights, and vice versa.

What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December 1948. Since then, it has formed the backbone of the international human rights system.

The UDHR is the most widely translated document in world history. It is inspiring and thought-provoking. The following are a few examples. Have a look!

  • (A) Article 3: Right to live in freedom and safety
  • (B) Article 13: Right to freedom of movement
  • (C) Article 18: Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
  • (D) Article 19: Right to freedom of expression
  • (E) Article 25: Right to a standard of living adequate for your health and wellbeing

1. According to the article, which of the following DOES NOT belong to the characteristics of human rights?

(A) indivisible

(B) interdependent

(C) transferable

(D) universal


2. Please match UDHR Articles to the descriptions below.

(___) I use social media to say what I think on different topics

(___) I walk freely in my town without fearing for my life

(___) I go to see a doctor if I am sick

(___) I speak freely about my beliefs

正解: (D)(B)(E)(C)


  Round-the-clock service has been debated for a long time, but with discussions mostly focused on environmental issues and teenagers hanging around. This time, however, among respondents who agreed with rethinking 24-hour operations, more than half cited the threat to the livelihoods of franchise owners, or the duty of customers to share the burden of the labor shortage.

  Operating 24/7 all year round has long been an important strategy for convenience stores to attract more customers, but now the 24-hour operation model is being challenged as Taiwan is facing the growing shortage of manpower. In a survey that the company 7-Eleven carried out on its franchisees (加盟店主) across the country in July, more than half said they are seriously considering reducing their night-time operations in the future. The chain operator should take the results as proof of the seriousness of the staffing shortage that is making it difficult for many franchisees to maintain round-the-clock operations.

  In another survey, a full 72.6% of consumers say they would support changes to the 24-hour convenience store model so that those businesses can survive amid the country's serious labor shortage. In recent years, the number of consumers who frequent convenience stores at night has dropped off significantly, in part because of efforts to cut down on Taiwan's notoriously long working hours. In addition, the increasing number of convenience stores also worsens the problem. Data from the government shows that the number of outlets totalled 10,866 at the end of 2018, while Taiwan's population has begun to shrink, which means fewer customers for each store on average.

1. Which one of the following statements can explain why store owners is considering reducing their night-time operation hours?

(A) Fewer people visit convenience stores late at night out of safety concern.

(B) Taiwan’s population is getting smaller and smaller.

(C) The government is trying to reduce the overall long working hours.

(D) Staff salary is rising all the time, especially for the night shift workers.


2. Are most customers for or against the reduced night hours? Write down your answers in a complete sentence:

Customers surveyed are mostly ______  (for or against ) the idea because ____________ __________________________________

正解:for, those businesses can survive amid the country's serious labor shortage.

3. Now use the ARE model (Argument/Assertion, Reasoning, Evidence) to analyze the third paragraph. Your answer should serve as the “Assertion” sentence. Please write down a sentence that can serve the “Reasoning” function:

正解:In recent years, the number of consumers who frequent convenience stores at night has dropped off significantly, in part because of efforts to cut down on Taiwan's notoriously long working hours.


1. According to the above picture, which of the following statements is “Not” true?

(A) Almost 5.5 million Syrian refugees are children.

(B) About 0.8% of people are refugees in the world.

(C) Now, half of elementary-age Syrian children are nearly illiterate.

(D) About 30% of Syrian children were born as refugees.


2. There are about 7.7 billion of people all over the world. How many refugees are there in the world?

正解:There are 61.6 million of refugees in the world.


  Due to poverty and illiteracy of women in Arab countries, Laura Boushnak began a meaningful project to help these women. According to Boushnak, to become a professional woman was not easy. She encountered many difficulties in Kuwait; nevertheless, her desire for knowledge led her to overcome all the barriers. Her experience drove her to start a project, “I Read I Write,” which was aimed at recording the journey of some women who didn’t have chance to go to school as children but have gained the ability to read and write as adults. In addition, through these women’s sharing, the project wanted to inspire more illiterate women to join the project. “I Read I Write” began in 2009 in Egypt, where there are only fifty percent of women who can read and write. With Boushnak’s effort, the project has now spread to many neighboring countries such as Yemen and Jordan, hoping to help more illiterate women.

  Boushnak’s first subject in “I Read I Write” project was Umm El-Saad from Egypt. At first, Umm El-Saad was barely able to write her name. She attended a nine-month literacy program, and her life began to take on new meaning after she learned how to read and write. One day, her husband found out that she was checking through his phone messages. He got mad at her and threatened to pull her out of the classes. Though the whole community did not support women to pursue their education, El-Saad and her Egyptian classmates were determined to learn reading and writing.

  Boushnak takes photographs of these women learning and studying. On the back of their pictures, the women then write why they wanted to read and write. Now, these pictures are displayed in classrooms as the symbol of their achievement.

1. Tom, a male doctor living in Yemen. He is the oldest son of five children in a wealthy family. Can he join the project “I Read I Write” and learn to read or write? Why or why not?

正解: No, he cannot join the program. The program “I Read I Write” is aimed at helping female adults from poor families, not at male adults from rich families. Moreover, Tom is a doctor, which means he is an educated person. Thus, he is not the person that the project wants to help.

2. Which of the following might be the syllabus of a “literacy class” in Boushnak’s project?


3. Which of the following sentence might come from a participant in “I Read I Write”?

(A) Poverty is easier to conquer than injustice.

(B) Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.

(C) Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.

(D) Even though we have eyes, we lived like blind people.



  Cocoa is the main ingredient of chocolate. In West Africa, cocoa is the main cash crop, providing incomes for a large percentage of people there. It is a myth that cocoa farmers have a well-off living because cocoa is always in a high demand. The truth is that men would benefit from the harvest and business. Women, on the other hand, do most of the work with only limited income because of the male-dominant society.

  Women barely own the land, make decisions, and sell the crop as is planned. It is reported that women in Ivory Coast do 70% of the work in cocoa farming but only receive 20% of the income. They actually live in poverty. Thus, Fairtrade Foundation, which aims to help disadvantaged producers to deal with injustice in trade, establishes the Women’s School of Leadership, intending to help women to be independent farmers by teaching them management, farming techniques, and confidence. After training, women know how to control budget, engage in sustainable farming, and build a community to earn extra income as cocoa is out of season. Now women plant vegetables, fruits, and larger trees in the cocoa orchard to provide shade and retain soil moisture to fight against climate change. Pruning techniques are utilized to reduce the use of pesticide. With farming knowledge, there is no need to develop more land for productivity. The money they gain not only makes their life better, but also helps them build school to ensure women and kids can receive education. To aid women in Africa to escape poverty and fulfil gender equality, chocolate companies and consumers will need to pay more so that they can improve their life. In this way, cocoa yield will be stable, too.

1. According to the reading text, what are the specific farming techniques that women learn in the school?




(a) Women plant vegetables, fruits, and larger trees together in the cocoa orchard.

(b) Pruning techniques are utilized to reduce the use of pesticide.

2. Below is a piece of summary of this passage. Please fill the proper words into the blanks.

  Chocolate is made of cocoa which is the major    (1)    . Cocoa becomes the main cash crop which offers income for a huge number of people in West Africa. That coca farmers have a well-off living due to the high demand of cocoa has become     (2)    . Yet, it is true that men would     (3)    from the harvest and business.     (4)    , women do most of the work but only gain limited salary owing to the male-dominant and social system.


(1) ingredient

(2) mysterious

(3) benefit

(4) Instead/ However/ Yet/ On the other hand/But